Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Security in Syria Criticized by Rights Panel

Cumming-bruce, Nick. "U.N. Panel Report Describes Worsening Brutality in Syria’s War."The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Mar. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.

The civil war in Syria is still going on and there is no sign of it letting up yet, as violence and torture is still increasing. The violence has still not let up as suicide bombings, car bombs, improvised explosive devices and land mines that have caused many civilian casualties. Members of the United Nations Security Council received evidence in August 2013 that chemical weapons have been being used, but evidence given was deemed insufficient by investigators. Investigators also described extremely cruel torture that was being conducted as 6 pregnant women had been shot in the abdomen and some men who had been shot in the groin. From what I have learned through the actions of the Holocaust torture, I know that these people are extremely cold-hearted to conduct such torture, especially for them to shoot pregnant women. The war in Syria is being forgotten because of the rising war in Ukraine, but don’t forget about Syria as their war is still very devastating and has no sign of stopping any time soon.

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